The purpose of these resources is to bring the reality of people of color to our white awareness. We approach this discussion humbly and with a deep desire to see, understand, and act as allies. It is essential that we do the work; racism isn't a black thing, it is a white thing that harms black and brown people.
There is no debate to the reality of white privilege or racism, and we will not engage one, but we will listen to the stories of our friends who experience life in a way that we, as a white congregation, do not understand, and we will act to confront racism wherever we encounter it.
We trust that God will work among us so that we "do not conform ourselves to the spirit of this age, but are transformed by the renewing of our minds so that we may discern the will of God--what is good, acceptable, and perfect." (Romans 12)
May God, who has begun this good work in us, bring it to completion.
Pastor Mark Suriano