Sunday Worship

10:00 a.m.

131 Pascack Rd., Park Ridge, NJ 07656


We know you have many choices for a spiritual home, and we are glad you have stopped for a while to give us a look. We are a community of Christians dedicated to the expansive and inclusive love of God, as witnessed in the scriptures and the person of Jesus. We are not perfect, but we strive to grow in mutual love, compassionate service, and a just world for all.


 No matter what, if you are looking for a church home, there is a place for you. All you need is an open mind and willing heart to join the journey of seeking and finding the Holy One.


If you are not looking for a church home, we hope you will consider us your ally in seeking wholeness and the fullness of life.


May you find peace, hope,love, and joy.


New Jersey String Quartet

January 26

3:00 p.m.



Suggested donation of $20 at the door.

Sheryl Staples, violin 
Yulia Ziskel, violin 
Cong Wu, viola 
Eric Bartlett, cello 
Mika Sasaki, piano 

Works by: 

Freedom Shabbat

January 17

7:00 p.m.

Congregation B'nai Israel

Emerson, NJ

Our annual interfaith celebration of the friendship between Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the work for civil rights and justice.


The ongoing work for justice belongs to all people of faith and to all who care about the world we live in.


Join us at Congregation B'nai Israel on January 17!

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© First Congregational Church of Park Ridge 131 Pascack Rd., Park Ridge NJ 07656